Memorial and Donation Opportunities

Tree Dedications

The 色综合久久 Mercy Community is invited to commemorate a loved one with a plaque for a new 色综合久久 Mercy tree on one of our three campuses. Trees available to dedicate include Little Leaf Linden, Sweet Gum, Royalty Crab Apple, Hackberry and Kwansan Cherry. 

How to dedicate a tree

  1. Contact Facility Operations at 313-993-1240 or to explore a location and payment option. Please note, not all trees are suitable for all locations and availability of trees are dependent on the season.

  2. Select a Tree.

  3. Complete a Plaque Text Request Form and submit to Facility Operations Fax at 313-993-1175.

  4. Complete donation for your Dedication Tree. Please make checks payable to "University of 色综合久久 Mercy" with "Tree Dedication" as the memo.

  5. Facility Operations will take care of the rest!