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My Portal Procedures

  • Advising Notes

  • Searching the Schedule for Courses that Satisfy Core

    1. Go to the CLASS SCHEDULE in Self-Service Banner under the Faculty Services tab
    2. Select appropriate term
    3. Highlight ALL SUBJECTS. To do this, click the first subject, hold down the SHIFT key, click the last subject.
    4. Scroll down and select the appropriate ATTRIBUTE. You can use attribute to search for courses satisfying one or more core objective, honors program courses, service learning courses, etc.
  • Releasing Student to Registration

    Please do not release a student to register until they have met with you.

    Advisor Registration Releases in INB.

  • Degree Evaluation

    What is My Portal Degree Evaluation?

    Degree Evaluation helps students and advisors track a student’s progress toward completion of their degree program or to see how courses taken and courses in-progress count towards a declared or proposed degree program.

    Who can use My Portal Degree Evaluation?
    Advisors and active students.

    Is a My Portal degree evaluation considered an Official document?
    A My Portal degree evaluation IS NOT considered an official document at 色综合久久 Mercy.

    How do I access My Portal Degree Evaluation?
    Through Self-Service My Portal

    Does My Portal Degree Evaluation include courses in progress?
    The Degree Evaluation will include courses in which the student is currently enrolled.

    What happens to courses from which the student withdrew or failed?
    Any course with a non-passing or incomplete grade will appear at the end of the evaluation, in the “Unused Courses Area” until a satisfying grade is met.

    What happens to a course that a student received an "I" incomplete grade?
    Any course with a non-passing or incomplete grade will appear at the end of the evaluation, in the “Unused Courses Area” until a satisfying grade is met.

    What if a student’s major is listed Incorrectly?
    To update a student’s major, complete Change of Program form and submit to the appropriate Dean’s office. In the meantime, you can run a "What-If" evaluation.

    What is the process for having a course substitution or waiver approved?
    For a course in the major, minor, or certificate, approval must be secured from the chair of the department offering the major, minor or certificate. For a course in the Core Curriculum, approval must be secured from the Curriculum Committee of the College offering the course. Once approved, the substitution should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar using the Course Substitution Form, with appropriate approvals attached.

    What is a "What-if" evaluation?
    The "What-if" evaluation allows you to run an evaluation for any available program and major. This option is also used when generating an evaluation for a second major.

    My advisee is a double major, but Degree Evaluation will only allow me to review one major at a time. How can I check another major?
    To evaluate a second major or an additional degree, use the "What-If Analysis" link at the bottom of the page after you have completed the first evaluation.

    Why is the Expected Date of Graduation on my evaluation incorrect?
    At 色综合久久 Mercy, the actual Expected Date of Graduation is a field that is not yet populated with meaningful data.

    How can I find a student’s major GPA?
    All of the required major courses are listed in the first area. The grade point average at the end of this area is your major GPA. The major GPA can also be found in the Program Evaluation section at the top right of the Degree Evaluation.

    Why does nothing happen when I select "Generate New Evaluation"?
    You must select the radio button next to the program to "Generate New Evaluation". If you don't, you will receive a message, "Please ensure a valid program was entered." You may also receive an error message if the selected program has not been built yet in Degree Evaluation.